The Dysfunctional Family of Humanity

The essence of a true healing as it is here at the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century is for someone to hold in their mind’s eye, the updated idea of a particular person. This healee then agrees, by their choice, to assume their divine template and this individual therefore miraculously transforms. A few weeks back in the dysfunctional environment and they revert to their original defect, most often. A percent of the time the fix holds and to some degree they begin the process for others around them. Still we are progressing slowly.

First of all: We don’t have to have someone hold our essence, we can do it for our selves. We can make this very same decision to assume our divine template and therefore transform our selves and our lives. The petard is living amongst the others of us who view skeptically, if at all, our metamorphosis.

This environment is a program running. Like any computer program there is a delete key. This key to our conundrum is not more healers, it is changing the basic language in which we think. When we are dumped back into the day to day with its disempowering thought forms and its caustic effects we can adapt by translating these barbs into wisdom directly. Change the language we think in and we change ourselves!

Go to and get a copy of “Hidden Language Codes.” Begin to change the way in which thought happens in your own mind. When you feel ready get a copy of “Eleven Self-Empowerment Protocols.” This book will open the ideas of no longer thinking in polarity and thus living exclusively in duality and beginning the process of having a mind that thinks in trinities. Strangely enough both books were written by the author of this article, R. Neville Johnston. Now you think you know why this was written, true enough that is one reason. Another correct answer is that I’m looking for a little company and a third correct answer is to assist hupersonity to a higher level of consciousness.

Allowing “VS” Command

First of all, the quotes around VS; polarity, duality, opposites always reveal themselves as having more like qualities than opposed qualities. It’s called the axiom of trinity. “For any two opposites there is a third principal that will reveal them as the same thing.” For example good and evil are the same thing because they are both teachers. So, no VS. Command and Allowing are both qualities of free will.

The premise is that everything that occurs in our life is our idea, our choice. This is what freewill means. No one said that it is a conscious decision. Yet it is all our idea. Most of the time the average of us is distracted by the (b)lame game. Blaming: luck, chance, random, God or our upbringing for whatever perceived woes we have stumbled across. Still everything that happens is our choice. Not conscious choice but our decision nonetheless. This is the unconscious use of free will. Conscious or unconscious everything is by our command.

When we introduce the idea of allowing. I allow this to be happening. I allow this to exist. I allow this effect; we have begun breakthrough consciousness.

Here is how it works. I allow this and at the same time I know it is my idea. Why did I do this. It was to get me to have a different idea about my self. The music next door is loud. It is loud enough to get my attention so that I can regain command. Just finding out that it’s our idea is enough.

When we recognize it as our command (by allowing) we gain conscious command of it. Then true magic happens: Once we allow, we are free to place our attention elsewhere. Then we grow something else. Until we allow, we and our sacred attention, are locked into a growing rage.

These are concepts that serve us well. I allow them to spread.