Past Lives

Past Life Stories with Neville


When you met your spouse or lover, did you have a feeling that you already knew them? Well you did. The question is where and when? Can you recall a life in which you were a different gender? Different race? Have you spent this lifetime wondering where the servants went?

Who among us has not had a feeling of curiosity about having lived in a forgotten time, in a distant place? Each of us has occasionally stood at the door to a personal past life. With our current thinking a past life may not be recognizable. We don’t go in. We dismiss it. Certainly, these other incarnations don’t come with subtitles. Still, these feelings return. We have left reminders of our true selves deep within us.

An advertisement from the Shell Oil Company used the sentence, “He must have been my twin brother in a past life,” to describe the relationship between a racecar driver and his mechanic. There are more people on Earth that believe in past lives than do not. The idea of past lives is mainstream. With it comes the idea of “Past Life Education.” This healing of dysfunctional patterns from other incarnations fits right into the curricula of our newly awakening consciousness.

We have all lived before. We have past lives. This isn’t a question anymore. Where and when, these are questions.
The real question is WHO were we in our other lives? A clear look into a past life starts a process of remembering. Who it was we were and the former lives we led, influences this life and dramatically.

It’s simple enough in elementary school. They say we have failed, we will be repeating the fifth grade. We didn’t get the lesson so we will be given another opportunity. Adults seem to lose this clarity.

We may become “stuck” in a certain place, at a certain lesson. A soul, may be remembering the “enabling the alcoholic” lesson. This means that the person will meet the required number of alcoholics necessary to “get” this lesson.

Now, the required number may be up in the thousands. They may be spread over many lifetimes, not just fifth grade. If one requires more research, as in repeating the pattern again, we’re okay with that. However at this point we have done the research. It’s time to choose to remember the lesson.

Once we say, “I choose to remember this lesson”, getting it becomes effortless. It’s the decision. The decision is the power. If we do not choose the moment and declare our choice to remember, then the pattern will repeat automatically.

These influences from past incarnations have an effect like a rock in a puddle. The ripples travel through lifetimes. Let’s say that someone is beaten by a spouse in a past life. As the echo in another life, the energy is somewhat dissipated. The beating is only symbolic. In the new life it’s just mental cruelty. These repeating patterns, represent what has been forgotten. The process of evolution/education always continues. As soon as we commit to remembering who we really are, these patterns will stop.

This is where Past Life Experience can be extremely effective. In a regression, we witness ancient events through our own eyes. When we see our current life mirrored against the dim backdrop of a middle ages village, or the colorful halls of an ancient Mayan Pyramid, we gain clarity, an astounding insight. The cause and effect, the jumbled tapestry of our relationships, our potential for growth, all becomes lucid, understandable to our conscious mind.

When viewing a past life we objectively witness the events in that incarnation. We see a decision we make in a particular life. Then we get to see the rest of that life, after that choice. We get to see the outcome.

These past lives are analogous to our current life. By the exploration of alternate lifetimes, we are drawn to make different choices in our current life. Remembering your soul’s history is more that a little stimulating.

The educational process involved in past life exploration brings exceptional growth. Let us say that in a past life we are in love with someone. Then that person goes away to war. They don’t come back, yet we wait. We watch this past life, seeing ourselves sitting on the porch watching the road that they might someday walk up. After a while, we know they won’t be returning. After a while longer, we prefer that they not comeback. Yet we continue to wait. All the while saying, “When they return I’ll be complete, then we’ll have fun.” Meanwhile forty years go by, never leaving the realm of these few thoughts.

Now we pop back into the present life. What do you know– We have met this very same person again. What do you know–They left again. Now the question becomes, how long do we sit on the bench until we get back in the game this time? A correct answer is zero.

We all experience a broken heart at the “end” of a relationship no matter who does the breaking up. The entire of the broken heart concept is based on being incomplete without the other person. This is a lie! We are complete individuals. Once we can realize that we’re complete, in and of ourselves, another person in our lives becomes a joyous bonus.

The broken heart becomes far more painful by making ourselves believe we will stop loving that other person. Once love exists, it continues forever.

The idea is to love them even more. Then, if their path has led them away from us, then bless them on their way. Be happy for them, this is what’s meant by loving them more. Now we are freed to place our sacred attention on our own lives.

We’ll see them again. That may not be in this life but it will be. Just state what the relationship will be like in the future incarnation and then release. The idea of unconditional love is easier than one would imagine.

As we relive these ancient lifetimes, we may recognize people of importance in the life today… parents, siblings, lovers, spouses, the boss, the business partner, who knows whom else, all in a different setting. They will be there with a similar role to the one we know them in today.

Often this role will have the “twist” that helps you to shine some new light on this life. This time you may be the husband and they may be the wife or vice / versa. How are you as the wife or husband this time?

Past lives intersect dynamically with our present life’s crossroads. Your spirit guides assist you by reminding you of the last time you were about to make a particular life decision. New job, getting married? Your guides will be playing tapes of your other incarnations all day long.

In all of these experiences you are connecting yourself to your own higher self. Why? It is done for one reason, to evolve. Each of the separate lifetimes is another piece of the puzzle. The piece always has to do with love. All of these pieces in all these past lives, come down to a single concept…We are to remember love…of everything, through personal experience.

Anything that one sees in a past life, anything that “stuck”, is something to which one attaches a great deal of judgment. Our object is releasing that judgment and recognizing the universal love that is in all things at all times.

Judgment is a corruption of observation. The difference between judgment and opinion is…intent. Judgment is used to make someone or a situation wrong. Judgment may be used to make a situation right.

Opinion simply “is”. Opinion is from the land beyond right and wrong. It is quite natural for a human being to have opinion, taste, style, preference, in short, discernment. It’s Judgment, we are taught.

Addictions, depression, panic attacks, phobias, crisis, sadness, grief, in fact neurosis in general may all source from some alternate incarnation. These pages are full of examples of people releasing these blocks. It is the ambition of this book to put you into a position for you to begin off loading your personal baggage. We are all our own master teachers.

Everyone you have ever met has been an actor in the play that is a former incarnation. This is why we all have multiple marriages, raise other people’s children, have so many lovers and why some of us remained married.

Because it is so effective and remarkably fast, past life experiencing is ideal. There has been enormous progress made by individuals in just one session. Ten minutes in a past life may illuminate the rest of this life.

These past lives are your endless saga, the elements that have been brought into play for you to become who you are today. Allow us to assist you then, in journeying backward and forward through the sands of time to explore in depth, the complexities of the timeless creation that is your eternal soul.

Past Life Story # One,
The Vignette

Past life information can come in a spontaneous glimpse, a frozen moment, a snap shot. Its like a window opens up and there is a moment from another life. Twenty-eight years ago I had such a glimpse. It lasted exactly one second. The reason I know this is that the brain takes one fifth of a second to focus and there are exactly five little scenes in a row.

The first is the rump of a horse, in armor, from the side. Next the leg of the rider, it’s clad, in fact iron clad, in a sort of generic dark ages armor. My attention goes up the body to the chest. As soon as I see the heart area I know this knight is me. Finally I see the helmet, exactly at that moment an arrow goes through the neck and… Everything goes to black.

I die all but instantly.

Over the years I retrace this moment many times. Pieces of information about this Medieval Knight appear. My first question is, what lesson am I to remember in this pastlife? What really kills me? Why do I go to such extremes?

The answer is pride, well actually family pride, and well actually false pride. Asking for the lesson opened up the following: One day my father invites me into the library. I remember the room the smell of the books. I am taken by the tapestry behind him. It has the figure of a knight standing triumphantly.

He has had a suit of armor commissioned for his only and beloved son…me. Further, he tells me that I have the opportunity to make the family name proud (er). All this is to be done by participating in the Crusades. My father congratulates me.

Somehow I am less than enthusiastic. In fact, I loathe the concept. The armor is constructed. The weeks go by. I have zero aptitude for warfare. I don’t believe I have so much as a fistfight, the entire of that lifetime. I never do rally to my own side. I just shuffle off to do my duty.

The soul who is my page, in that life, incarnates as Richey, my friend in this life. We march off to war with grand spirit. The long months of the journey to the south are filled with wine and tales of what we are planning to do to the enemy in battle.

In the middle ages Richey and I have the same size bodies. In fact, he did much of the work on the suit of armor. He begs me to let him put it on and go into battle as me. The visor would have hidden his face. No one except us would know the truth. Admittedly he has a much greater aptitude for combat than I do. Nonetheless I don’t let him do it.

With in the first few moments of the first battle I was already history, I mean gone, expired, deceased, just like that. Some naïve idea that the armor would make me invulnerable got me to do this to begin with. Certainly I had no idea that all the guys on the ground, get all the guys on horses first, and then kill each other off. I felt like an idiot. In fact, I’m born in this life still feeling like an idiot.

One day, just sitting looking out the window, another view of this life falls into place. The same soul who is my father in this life is also my father in that life. I am shown the scene where the page, (Richey) tells my father the truth about how his son died. Dad is devastated. He sits for months with his face in his hands. Slowly he realizes how blind he has been about who his son really is.

More years go by and another piece of this life falls into place, when, pardon the pun, it strikes me that the “one second” in time, the original vignette, is the time that the arrow is in flight. Furthermore the same being that shoots me in that life is the same soul that shoots me in this life. (All this is explained further in the in the next chapter.)

There is fruit from my life as a knight. These days I always take the easiest route because it is the most likely to be successful. I have this universal thought, young in life. This concept is referred to as the path of least resistance. This turns out to serve me well. In fact it can serve all of us. Water always runs down hill by the path of least resistance, its nature. Nature is a genius.

Genius and simplicity are synonymous. The genius is the one who recognizes the obvious. That is to say, the simplest solution is the one that is most likely to work and is by its nature, apparent.

In my current life my father had wanted me to accelerate at team sports. Team Sports are symbolic of warfare. This time I tell him that I have no aptitude or interest. However I did go out for a team sport and held the captaincy for one year. The sport? Tournament chess. Dad was very proud and I remembered my lesson.

Past Life Story # Two
Love and the Family of Souls, Take Two

A radio talk show asked me to be a guest. Volunteers from the studio audience step forward to be regressed on the air. A distinguished gentleman, full graybeard, well dressed and a magnificent bearing, rises to the occasion.

As we begin the journey back, we we’re looking at a wondrous white light, it’s the sun itself. As the imagery begins to focus, it feels as though he is moving under water. This light appears to be on the surface of the water. He is swimming up toward it. He swims right through the surface. Soon he is looking back down at a lake from above. He is just gently floating. We entered the life at the moment of death although the gentleman did not yet recognize this fact.

I ask him what he can see down there.

“I see my parents. They are the same parents I have today. I don’t know how I know, but that’s them. They are dressed in early 1800’s clothing; they are just walking along the shore of the lake. Again and again they walk the entire circumference of the lake. I’m going to land right in front of them… They just walked right through me. They didn’t even see me.

In this pioneer life, he and his family are on a wagon train headed west. Almost a year into the journey, they make it to Colorado. Driven by that desire to explore, as well as the prospect of a new and better life they finally begin the ascent of the Rockies. The wagon life is strenuous especially as it continues up hill.

Toward the beginning of fall, this mobile community comes upon a wonderful lake, virtually an oasis. They stop, at first to replenish themselves and refill their water supply, but soon a spirit of playfulness joins them. Everybody is happy to be alive again. Amid the splendor of wild flowers, brightly colored birds, butterflies, ancient trees; laughter and music spontaneously break out.

In short order it is a “hoe-down”. Everyone breaks out treats they have been saving. Children and adults splash in the lake, games are played, laughter peals. They are a gettin’ to be real happy folk…then suddenly, the music stops, it all stops.

A little boy has drowned. His body never returns to the surface. This child had been the first-born. He was the guardian of his younger brothers and sisters. He had done such a good job. He had protected and cared for everyone… other than himself. How could he have let go of such potential? How could he have allowed that child (himself) to drown?

Nothing is the same after that. The wagon train stays at the lake for about a weeklonger. Everyone searches for the body. If found, some sense of completion would be possible. Thinking of the journey that lies ahead, the group continues westward, leaving the family and their sole Conestoga wagon on the shores of that little lake.

His mother is so overwhelmed with grief that she never does give up the search. At first She and her husband and the remaining kids walk around the lake again and again. After a while it’s just the parents. Finally it’s just her.

The seasons drift by. After a hard winter, spring comes. Dad just builds the house right there. He realizes that his wife just won’t let go.

During his life, he protects and rescues the younger ones so many times his parents never think of him as the one who would be hurt. No resolve is ever reached the information from this past life just stops…
This man, the audience and I are all in tears.

This family is reflected perfectly in the guest’s contemporary life. He’s once again the eldest child. The entire of his family reincarnates every soul in exactly the same position. His family loves him very much and all of the family members agreed to this “take two” of that life. They reconvene in this time period in order for him to act out the potential in that life, all-growing up together. He had been nine years old when he “left”.

Souls have families also. Souls agree to remember lessons as a group. Through this love, they agree to help each other to remember who they really are. A soul group may not necessarily come together as a family. A board of directors or a platoon or all the occupants of a particular apartment building may constitute a soul group.

The past life we have just outlined, coupled with the contemporary life is an example of the love and dedication we have as souls. The interaction of soul groups is called the Soul Stream. These souls agree to travel through time together, to evolve together. The intermarrying of these families of souls weaves the tapestry that is human evolution. No matter what we have been taught, love never ends.

Past Life Story # Three
The Apprentice

Barely able to come into the office, in a small voice, apologizing for nothing, staring at the square of carpet in front of her feet, a petite woman, with large brown eyes, her name is Julie. She is “Painfully Shy”, and everything frightens her. Finding the source of this shyness holds the answer to creating a different future in this life. What she finds will astound both of us.

“Hot dry winds move across my face. I’m standing in a sandy wilderness. My arms are spread as though crucified. It’s sunrise, my shadow stretches to the east, painting a capital T across the desert floor.”

Shadow to the east? This lifetime occurred when our planet spun in the opposite direction, perhaps nine thousand years ago.

Her ceremonial costume is made entirely from snake hide. It draws its power from the heads. Each with its mouth open fangs bared. There’s a foot of skin still attached to each head making it mobile. It is an ancient garment. There are twenty-seven heads.

At sunrise the day before, her ceremony begins. The entire day is spent in ancient ritual. At the moment of sunset the Medicine Man gives her a sacred elixir. The moment of the moon’s rise she drinks a second.

The moment is at hand. The pit in front of her is in deep shadow. Head thrown back, her eyes are looking up toward the sky, yet her eyelids are closed. She is deep in trance. She is spiraling up, in conversation with the Serpent Spirit.

She recounts: “I am standing, preparing to jump into the pit. My heart and mind are in embrace. It’s like I’m watching myself jumping in a dream. I feel the Great Mother pulling me back into her womb. My landing is weightless, flawless. The jacket itself moves, triggering the venomous reptiles coiled in the shadows of the pit. They think the heads are attacking.
I’m being bitten, the poison flows inside of me. I see it up my legs, up my arms, glowing white, it’s tracing me, and everything is going white…

I see the Shaman take my body from the pit. With all of his power he cares for me.”

In the village seven elders sit drumming for seven days. They are in a circle around the unconscious girl. Sacred sage smokes spirals upward. At moon rise on that seventh day the drumming stops. Silence falls, spreading like the after shock from an explosion… Her eyes open. She rejoins the tribe.
She is twelve years old.

Before the ceremony my name is “Morning Doe”. Like twelve others in my tribe I’ve applied for the job of Shaman, in this case Shawoman. The initiation involves ritual death. I’m to cast off my earthly body, in order to take on mystical powers, true powers. I’m the soul survivor, the thirteenth.

After the ceremony her name is “Brings Moon Back”. The moon went missing the entire time she had been in the coma.

Julie sees herself grow and for many years the elders remind her of her powers. She sees the day she sows her own snake onto the sacred garment. She sees the day she takes her place in the tribe. She sees the day she passes on the garment. She sees two hundred and seventy summers.

Her fearfulness in this life is from some other lifetime. We would think that the pastlife holding the answer would be the lifetime in which she is taught to be afraid. Seeing herself as the child who bravely faces the snakes knowing that twelve before her have gone and seeing herself as “Brings Moon Back”, seeing this whole lifetime emboldens her in this life! She sheds her fear. In exploring this past incarnation she finds the conduit to her multidimensional heritage.

If you are interested in finding out where the door opens when you explore your past lives, please contact Neville at 703-860-2333 or email at

Past Lives

Past Life Stories with Neville


When you met your spouse or lover, did you have a feeling that you already knew them? Well you did. The question is where and when? Can you recall a life in which you were a different gender? Different race? Have you spent this lifetime wondering where the servants went?

Who among us has not had a feeling of curiosity about having lived in a forgotten time, in a distant place? Each of us has occasionally stood at the door to a personal past life. With our current thinking a past life may not be recognizable. We don’t go in. We dismiss it. Certainly, these other incarnations don’t come with subtitles. Still, these feelings return. We have left reminders of our true selves deep within us.

An advertisement from the Shell Oil Company used the sentence, “He must have been my twin brother in a past life,” to describe the relationship between a racecar driver and his mechanic. There are more people on Earth that believe in past lives than do not. The idea of past lives is mainstream. With it comes the idea of “Past Life Education.” This healing of dysfunctional patterns from other incarnations fits right into the curricula of our newly awakening consciousness.

We have all lived before. We have past lives. This isn’t a question anymore. Where and when, these are questions.
The real question is WHO were we in our other lives? A clear look into a past life starts a process of remembering. Who it was we were and the former lives we led, influences this life and dramatically.

It’s simple enough in elementary school. They say we have failed, we will be repeating the fifth grade. We didn’t get the lesson so we will be given another opportunity. Adults seem to lose this clarity.

We may become “stuck” in a certain place, at a certain lesson. A soul, may be remembering the “enabling the alcoholic” lesson. This means that the person will meet the required number of alcoholics necessary to “get” this lesson.

Now, the required number may be up in the thousands. They may be spread over many lifetimes, not just fifth grade. If one requires more research, as in repeating the pattern again, we’re okay with that. However at this point we have done the research. It’s time to choose to remember the lesson.

Once we say, “I choose to remember this lesson”, getting it becomes effortless. It’s the decision. The decision is the power. If we do not choose the moment and declare our choice to remember, then the pattern will repeat automatically.

These influences from past incarnations have an effect like a rock in a puddle. The ripples travel through lifetimes. Let’s say that someone is beaten by a spouse in a past life. As the echo in another life, the energy is somewhat dissipated. The beating is only symbolic. In the new life it’s just mental cruelty. These repeating patterns, represent what has been forgotten. The process of evolution/education always continues. As soon as we commit to remembering who we really are, these patterns will stop.

This is where Past Life Experience can be extremely effective. In a regression, we witness ancient events through our own eyes. When we see our current life mirrored against the dim backdrop of a middle ages village, or the colorful halls of an ancient Mayan Pyramid, we gain clarity, an astounding insight. The cause and effect, the jumbled tapestry of our relationships, our potential for growth, all becomes lucid, understandable to our conscious mind.

When viewing a past life we objectively witness the events in that incarnation. We see a decision we make in a particular life. Then we get to see the rest of that life, after that choice. We get to see the outcome.

These past lives are analogous to our current life. By the exploration of alternate lifetimes, we are drawn to make different choices in our current life. Remembering your soul’s history is more that a little stimulating.

The educational process involved in past life exploration brings exceptional growth. Let us say that in a past life we are in love with someone. Then that person goes away to war. They don’t come back, yet we wait. We watch this past life, seeing ourselves sitting on the porch watching the road that they might someday walk up. After a while, we know they won’t be returning. After a while longer, we prefer that they not comeback. Yet we continue to wait. All the while saying, “When they return I’ll be complete, then we’ll have fun.” Meanwhile forty years go by, never leaving the realm of these few thoughts.

Now we pop back into the present life. What do you know– We have met this very same person again. What do you know–They left again. Now the question becomes, how long do we sit on the bench until we get back in the game this time? A correct answer is zero.

We all experience a broken heart at the “end” of a relationship no matter who does the breaking up. The entire of the broken heart concept is based on being incomplete without the other person. This is a lie! We are complete individuals. Once we can realize that we’re complete, in and of ourselves, another person in our lives becomes a joyous bonus.

The broken heart becomes far more painful by making ourselves believe we will stop loving that other person. Once love exists, it continues forever.

The idea is to love them even more. Then, if their path has led them away from us, then bless them on their way. Be happy for them, this is what’s meant by loving them more. Now we are freed to place our sacred attention on our own lives.

We’ll see them again. That may not be in this life but it will be. Just state what the relationship will be like in the future incarnation and then release. The idea of unconditional love is easier than one would imagine.

As we relive these ancient lifetimes, we may recognize people of importance in the life today… parents, siblings, lovers, spouses, the boss, the business partner, who knows whom else, all in a different setting. They will be there with a similar role to the one we know them in today.

Often this role will have the “twist” that helps you to shine some new light on this life. This time you may be the husband and they may be the wife or vice / versa. How are you as the wife or husband this time?

Past lives intersect dynamically with our present life’s crossroads. Your spirit guides assist you by reminding you of the last time you were about to make a particular life decision. New job, getting married? Your guides will be playing tapes of your other incarnations all day long.

In all of these experiences you are connecting yourself to your own higher self. Why? It is done for one reason, to evolve. Each of the separate lifetimes is another piece of the puzzle. The piece always has to do with love. All of these pieces in all these past lives, come down to a single concept…We are to remember love…of everything, through personal experience.

Anything that one sees in a past life, anything that “stuck”, is something to which one attaches a great deal of judgment. Our object is releasing that judgment and recognizing the universal love that is in all things at all times.

Judgment is a corruption of observation. The difference between judgment and opinion is…intent. Judgment is used to make someone or a situation wrong. Judgment may be used to make a situation right.

Opinion simply “is”. Opinion is from the land beyond right and wrong. It is quite natural for a human being to have opinion, taste, style, preference, in short, discernment. It’s Judgment, we are taught.

Addictions, depression, panic attacks, phobias, crisis, sadness, grief, in fact neurosis in general may all source from some alternate incarnation. These pages are full of examples of people releasing these blocks. It is the ambition of this book to put you into a position for you to begin off loading your personal baggage. We are all our own master teachers.

Everyone you have ever met has been an actor in the play that is a former incarnation. This is why we all have multiple marriages, raise other people’s children, have so many lovers and why some of us remained married.

Because it is so effective and remarkably fast, past life experiencing is ideal. There has been enormous progress made by individuals in just one session. Ten minutes in a past life may illuminate the rest of this life.

These past lives are your endless saga, the elements that have been brought into play for you to become who you are today. Allow us to assist you then, in journeying backward and forward through the sands of time to explore in depth, the complexities of the timeless creation that is your eternal soul.

Past Life Story # One,
The Vignette

Past life information can come in a spontaneous glimpse, a frozen moment, a snap shot. Its like a window opens up and there is a moment from another life. Twenty-eight years ago I had such a glimpse. It lasted exactly one second. The reason I know this is that the brain takes one fifth of a second to focus and there are exactly five little scenes in a row.

The first is the rump of a horse, in armor, from the side. Next the leg of the rider, it’s clad, in fact iron clad, in a sort of generic dark ages armor. My attention goes up the body to the chest. As soon as I see the heart area I know this knight is me. Finally I see the helmet, exactly at that moment an arrow goes through the neck and… Everything goes to black.

I die all but instantly.

Over the years I retrace this moment many times. Pieces of information about this Medieval Knight appear. My first question is, what lesson am I to remember in this pastlife? What really kills me? Why do I go to such extremes?

The answer is pride, well actually family pride, and well actually false pride. Asking for the lesson opened up the following: One day my father invites me into the library. I remember the room the smell of the books. I am taken by the tapestry behind him. It has the figure of a knight standing triumphantly.

He has had a suit of armor commissioned for his only and beloved son…me. Further, he tells me that I have the opportunity to make the family name proud (er). All this is to be done by participating in the Crusades. My father congratulates me.

Somehow I am less than enthusiastic. In fact, I loathe the concept. The armor is constructed. The weeks go by. I have zero aptitude for warfare. I don’t believe I have so much as a fistfight, the entire of that lifetime. I never do rally to my own side. I just shuffle off to do my duty.

The soul who is my page, in that life, incarnates as Richey, my friend in this life. We march off to war with grand spirit. The long months of the journey to the south are filled with wine and tales of what we are planning to do to the enemy in battle.

In the middle ages Richey and I have the same size bodies. In fact, he did much of the work on the suit of armor. He begs me to let him put it on and go into battle as me. The visor would have hidden his face. No one except us would know the truth. Admittedly he has a much greater aptitude for combat than I do. Nonetheless I don’t let him do it.

With in the first few moments of the first battle I was already history, I mean gone, expired, deceased, just like that. Some naïve idea that the armor would make me invulnerable got me to do this to begin with. Certainly I had no idea that all the guys on the ground, get all the guys on horses first, and then kill each other off. I felt like an idiot. In fact, I’m born in this life still feeling like an idiot.

One day, just sitting looking out the window, another view of this life falls into place. The same soul who is my father in this life is also my father in that life. I am shown the scene where the page, (Richey) tells my father the truth about how his son died. Dad is devastated. He sits for months with his face in his hands. Slowly he realizes how blind he has been about who his son really is.

More years go by and another piece of this life falls into place, when, pardon the pun, it strikes me that the “one second” in time, the original vignette, is the time that the arrow is in flight. Furthermore the same being that shoots me in that life is the same soul that shoots me in this life. (All this is explained further in the in the next chapter.)

There is fruit from my life as a knight. These days I always take the easiest route because it is the most likely to be successful. I have this universal thought, young in life. This concept is referred to as the path of least resistance. This turns out to serve me well. In fact it can serve all of us. Water always runs down hill by the path of least resistance, its nature. Nature is a genius.

Genius and simplicity are synonymous. The genius is the one who recognizes the obvious. That is to say, the simplest solution is the one that is most likely to work and is by its nature, apparent.

In my current life my father had wanted me to accelerate at team sports. Team Sports are symbolic of warfare. This time I tell him that I have no aptitude or interest. However I did go out for a team sport and held the captaincy for one year. The sport? Tournament chess. Dad was very proud and I remembered my lesson.

Past Life Story # Two
Love and the Family of Souls, Take Two

A radio talk show asked me to be a guest. Volunteers from the studio audience step forward to be regressed on the air. A distinguished gentleman, full graybeard, well dressed and a magnificent bearing, rises to the occasion.

As we begin the journey back, we we’re looking at a wondrous white light, it’s the sun itself. As the imagery begins to focus, it feels as though he is moving under water. This light appears to be on the surface of the water. He is swimming up toward it. He swims right through the surface. Soon he is looking back down at a lake from above. He is just gently floating. We entered the life at the moment of death although the gentleman did not yet recognize this fact.

I ask him what he can see down there.

“I see my parents. They are the same parents I have today. I don’t know how I know, but that’s them. They are dressed in early 1800’s clothing; they are just walking along the shore of the lake. Again and again they walk the entire circumference of the lake. I’m going to land right in front of them… They just walked right through me. They didn’t even see me.

In this pioneer life, he and his family are on a wagon train headed west. Almost a year into the journey, they make it to Colorado. Driven by that desire to explore, as well as the prospect of a new and better life they finally begin the ascent of the Rockies. The wagon life is strenuous especially as it continues up hill.

Toward the beginning of fall, this mobile community comes upon a wonderful lake, virtually an oasis. They stop, at first to replenish themselves and refill their water supply, but soon a spirit of playfulness joins them. Everybody is happy to be alive again. Amid the splendor of wild flowers, brightly colored birds, butterflies, ancient trees; laughter and music spontaneously break out.

In short order it is a “hoe-down”. Everyone breaks out treats they have been saving. Children and adults splash in the lake, games are played, laughter peals. They are a gettin’ to be real happy folk…then suddenly, the music stops, it all stops.

A little boy has drowned. His body never returns to the surface. This child had been the first-born. He was the guardian of his younger brothers and sisters. He had done such a good job. He had protected and cared for everyone… other than himself. How could he have let go of such potential? How could he have allowed that child (himself) to drown?

Nothing is the same after that. The wagon train stays at the lake for about a weeklonger. Everyone searches for the body. If found, some sense of completion would be possible. Thinking of the journey that lies ahead, the group continues westward, leaving the family and their sole Conestoga wagon on the shores of that little lake.

His mother is so overwhelmed with grief that she never does give up the search. At first She and her husband and the remaining kids walk around the lake again and again. After a while it’s just the parents. Finally it’s just her.

The seasons drift by. After a hard winter, spring comes. Dad just builds the house right there. He realizes that his wife just won’t let go.

During his life, he protects and rescues the younger ones so many times his parents never think of him as the one who would be hurt. No resolve is ever reached the information from this past life just stops…
This man, the audience and I are all in tears.

This family is reflected perfectly in the guest’s contemporary life. He’s once again the eldest child. The entire of his family reincarnates every soul in exactly the same position. His family loves him very much and all of the family members agreed to this “take two” of that life. They reconvene in this time period in order for him to act out the potential in that life, all-growing up together. He had been nine years old when he “left”.

Souls have families also. Souls agree to remember lessons as a group. Through this love, they agree to help each other to remember who they really are. A soul group may not necessarily come together as a family. A board of directors or a platoon or all the occupants of a particular apartment building may constitute a soul group.

The past life we have just outlined, coupled with the contemporary life is an example of the love and dedication we have as souls. The interaction of soul groups is called the Soul Stream. These souls agree to travel through time together, to evolve together. The intermarrying of these families of souls weaves the tapestry that is human evolution. No matter what we have been taught, love never ends.

Past Life Story # Three
The Apprentice

Barely able to come into the office, in a small voice, apologizing for nothing, staring at the square of carpet in front of her feet, a petite woman, with large brown eyes, her name is Julie. She is “Painfully Shy”, and everything frightens her. Finding the source of this shyness holds the answer to creating a different future in this life. What she finds will astound both of us.

“Hot dry winds move across my face. I’m standing in a sandy wilderness. My arms are spread as though crucified. It’s sunrise, my shadow stretches to the east, painting a capital T across the desert floor.”

Shadow to the east? This lifetime occurred when our planet spun in the opposite direction, perhaps nine thousand years ago.

Her ceremonial costume is made entirely from snake hide. It draws its power from the heads. Each with its mouth open fangs bared. There’s a foot of skin still attached to each head making it mobile. It is an ancient garment. There are twenty-seven heads.

At sunrise the day before, her ceremony begins. The entire day is spent in ancient ritual. At the moment of sunset the Medicine Man gives her a sacred elixir. The moment of the moon’s rise she drinks a second.

The moment is at hand. The pit in front of her is in deep shadow. Head thrown back, her eyes are looking up toward the sky, yet her eyelids are closed. She is deep in trance. She is spiraling up, in conversation with the Serpent Spirit.

She recounts: “I am standing, preparing to jump into the pit. My heart and mind are in embrace. It’s like I’m watching myself jumping in a dream. I feel the Great Mother pulling me back into her womb. My landing is weightless, flawless. The jacket itself moves, triggering the venomous reptiles coiled in the shadows of the pit. They think the heads are attacking.
I’m being bitten, the poison flows inside of me. I see it up my legs, up my arms, glowing white, it’s tracing me, and everything is going white…

I see the Shaman take my body from the pit. With all of his power he cares for me.”

In the village seven elders sit drumming for seven days. They are in a circle around the unconscious girl. Sacred sage smokes spirals upward. At moon rise on that seventh day the drumming stops. Silence falls, spreading like the after shock from an explosion… Her eyes open. She rejoins the tribe.
She is twelve years old.

Before the ceremony my name is “Morning Doe”. Like twelve others in my tribe I’ve applied for the job of Shaman, in this case Shawoman. The initiation involves ritual death. I’m to cast off my earthly body, in order to take on mystical powers, true powers. I’m the soul survivor, the thirteenth.

After the ceremony her name is “Brings Moon Back”. The moon went missing the entire time she had been in the coma.

Julie sees herself grow and for many years the elders remind her of her powers. She sees the day she sows her own snake onto the sacred garment. She sees the day she takes her place in the tribe. She sees the day she passes on the garment. She sees two hundred and seventy summers.

Her fearfulness in this life is from some other lifetime. We would think that the pastlife holding the answer would be the lifetime in which she is taught to be afraid. Seeing herself as the child who bravely faces the snakes knowing that twelve before her have gone and seeing herself as “Brings Moon Back”, seeing this whole lifetime emboldens her in this life! She sheds her fear. In exploring this past incarnation she finds the conduit to her multidimensional heritage.

If you are interested in finding out where the door opens when you explore your past lives, please contact Neville at 703-860-2333 or email at