
As the Talmud says, “A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread”. Our dreams have so much to tell us about our life, our health, our spiritual path, our growth and healing and to not view them as wise counselors is missing a great opportunity. I have done dream interpretation and dream research for over 40 years, beginning the journey very early in life.

Dreams speak to us in the language of symbols. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a symbol is worth a million. They are like zip files that enter into our consciousness and unfold like a flower, leaving the lingering scent of wisdom that is wordless. As you explore this inner language, you will see that your language is very specific to you, so relying solely on dream dictionaries and other people’s symbolism will not uncover all that there is to see. In my many years of doing dream interpretation and teaching about it, I have seen many examples of how one person’s symbolic language may be very different than another person’s. Taking the opportunity to explore how you speak to you, is value beyond measure.

An Example of a Common Dream Symbol – Water
Always ask yourself what the symbol means to you first. When reading examples of symbol meanings, let your body tell you which ones feel right to you.

Water – Often represents life, consciousness or emotion. Note what form the water appears in.

Ocean – The ocean often represents mass consciousness, your larger self and how you relate to it. Are you standing close, viewing it from above, are you excited, intimidated or calm? Make note of how you feel and your proximity to it. The state of the energy of the water will determine what emotion or consciousness it is conveying. Is it rolling and intense? Calm and clear? Use this as a direction and source of the subject or theme of the dream.

River – Rivers can often represent something predefined, as rivers most always follow a course. Is the river off course? Is it transgressing its boundaries? Is it filling its bed? Slow moving or fast moving? It implies movement and the things going on around it, your proximity and how you feel about it will bring clues as to what the river represents.

Ponds or Lakes – Ponds and lakes can represent confined feelings. It can also represent our reluctance to expand or even be a message to tell you to contain your potential. This setting is further described by the clarity and depth of the water.

Over the years of my study in dreams and dream interpretation, I have created, gathered and developed many techniques of dream interpretation that all act as keys that unlock the door of this inner world. I offer classes to learn about your dreams and how to interpret them as well as offer private sessions to interpret your dreams and I invite you to come explore!

INTRODUCTION TO DREAMS – Personal Symbolism – Mary Phelan
In this class, you will understand what dreams are, how and what they communicate and some of the many different uses of dreams. Also covered is how to remember, record and enhance dreaming. Personal symbolism and how it relates to, and is useful in psychic awareness and development. You will learn how to recognize and understand your own personal symbols.

– Understand the importance of dreams and how to remember them
– How to utilize dream portals
– Learn personal and shared symbolism
– Creating your dream space
– Utilizing Crystals
– Understand your unique connection to the dreamtime
– Dream journals and how to use them
– Creating your symbol library
– Introduction to Dream Interpretation

This course is a foundational course and will assist you in many areas of esoteric study.

Our dreams have so much to tell us, all we have to do is to have the tools and the ears to hear them. In this dynamic class, you will learn many different methods of dream interpretation. There will be dream experiments and activities to participate in. You will also learn about out of body experiences and astral projection. You will learn how to use the dreamtime to create and how to use interpretation techniques to understand waking life. Lucid dreaming and how to navigate the dreamtime are also covered. How to use the dreamtime to get psychic information.

– Understand and use many techniques of dream interpretation
– Recognizing and understanding different dream elements and patterns
– Learning the difference between OBE’s and Astral Travel
– Using the dreamtime to receive precognitive information
– Dream Experiments
– Dream Assignments
– Interpreting Dreams
– Bilocation as it pertains to dreaming
– Lucid Dreaming
– Plus More

In this advanced class, you will learn how to use your Dreamtime to create and to learn and grow. Advance use of Lucid Dreaming and learning how to connect to other dimensions and realities and working with your dream guides.

Contact Mary at telepathictv@yahoo.com or 703-860-2333 for more information about scheduling a private session or classes for your group.


As the Talmud says, “A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread”. Our dreams have so much to tell us about our life, our health, our spiritual path, our growth and healing and to not view them as wise counselors is missing a great opportunity. I have done dream interpretation and dream research for over 40 years, beginning the journey very early in life.

Dreams speak to us in the language of symbols. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a symbol is worth a million. They are like zip files that enter into our consciousness and unfold like a flower, leaving the lingering scent of wisdom that is wordless. As you explore this inner language, you will see that your language is very specific to you, so relying solely on dream dictionaries and other people’s symbolism will not uncover all that there is to see. In my many years of doing dream interpretation and teaching about it, I have seen many examples of how one person’s symbolic language may be very different than another person’s. Taking the opportunity to explore how you speak to you, is value beyond measure.

An Example of a Common Dream Symbol – Water
Always ask yourself what the symbol means to you first. When reading examples of symbol meanings, let your body tell you which ones feel right to you.

Water – Often represents life, consciousness or emotion. Note what form the water appears in.

Ocean – The ocean often represents mass consciousness, your larger self and how you relate to it. Are you standing close, viewing it from above, are you excited, intimidated or calm? Make note of how you feel and your proximity to it. The state of the energy of the water will determine what emotion or consciousness it is conveying. Is it rolling and intense? Calm and clear? Use this as a direction and source of the subject or theme of the dream.

River – Rivers can often represent something predefined, as rivers most always follow a course. Is the river off course? Is it transgressing its boundaries? Is it filling its bed? Slow moving or fast moving? It implies movement and the things going on around it, your proximity and how you feel about it will bring clues as to what the river represents.

Ponds or Lakes – Ponds and lakes can represent confined feelings. It can also represent our reluctance to expand or even be a message to tell you to contain your potential. This setting is further described by the clarity and depth of the water.

Over the years of my study in dreams and dream interpretation, I have created, gathered and developed many techniques of dream interpretation that all act as keys that unlock the door of this inner world. I offer classes to learn about your dreams and how to interpret them as well as offer private sessions to interpret your dreams and I invite you to come explore!

INTRODUCTION TO DREAMS – Personal Symbolism – Mary Phelan
In this class, you will understand what dreams are, how and what they communicate and some of the many different uses of dreams. Also covered is how to remember, record and enhance dreaming. Personal symbolism and how it relates to, and is useful in psychic awareness and development. You will learn how to recognize and understand your own personal symbols.

– Understand the importance of dreams and how to remember them
– How to utilize dream portals
– Learn personal and shared symbolism
– Creating your dream space
– Utilizing Crystals
– Understand your unique connection to the dreamtime
– Dream journals and how to use them
– Creating your symbol library
– Introduction to Dream Interpretation

This course is a foundational course and will assist you in many areas of esoteric study.

Our dreams have so much to tell us, all we have to do is to have the tools and the ears to hear them. In this dynamic class, you will learn many different methods of dream interpretation. There will be dream experiments and activities to participate in. You will also learn about out of body experiences and astral projection. You will learn how to use the dreamtime to create and how to use interpretation techniques to understand waking life. Lucid dreaming and how to navigate the dreamtime are also covered. How to use the dreamtime to get psychic information.

– Understand and use many techniques of dream interpretation
– Recognizing and understanding different dream elements and patterns
– Learning the difference between OBE’s and Astral Travel
– Using the dreamtime to receive precognitive information
– Dream Experiments
– Dream Assignments
– Interpreting Dreams
– Bilocation as it pertains to dreaming
– Lucid Dreaming
– Plus More

In this advanced class, you will learn how to use your Dreamtime to create and to learn and grow. Advance use of Lucid Dreaming and learning how to connect to other dimensions and realities and working with your dream guides.

Contact Mary at telepathictv@yahoo.com or 703-860-2333 for more information about scheduling a private session or classes for your group.