New Paradigms For A New Civilization

Lets start a little at the beginning. Picture the first great civilization on our planet… Beautiful beings, magnificent architecture. It was located in what is now called the Sahara Desert. How fine the sand is, is in direct ratio to how much the place was trashed. It was so long ago that I’ve never heard its name pronounced.

This was followed by Mu, a delightful, a matriarchal, a naive society, which lived money free war free and only some what guilt free. It was taken over by nasty aliens and sunk into the sea. No biggie, lets just put that one behind us.

Next came the Atlantis. Patriarchal, again invaded, this time by Martians, went tech crazy and was destroyed as a result of an inner stellar war. The Grand Canyon was as a result of a laser weapon. And again, Atlantis sunk in the sea.

Our current civilization, lets call it the Ameuroasian. Something different is happening here.

First lets set the stage. A mad man named Hussein, declares war on the United States and what? Owing to early onset senility he forgets to buy a nuclear bomb? No, no wait, he couldn’t afford one? Hock a solid gold toilet? No, no, It must have been the Arms merchants. Their high moral fiber, wouldn’t allow them to sell him a bomb. No, Saddam had a bomb! True, and he set it off a few minutes after midnight on that first day of the Gulf war.

I know, I was watching CNN. A British anchorman was standing in front of a spire, (an onion shaped tower, also called a Persian tower.)

Behind him appeared the classic energy pulse (wink) of a nuclear explosion.

Our newsman turned around and said, “Look at that mushroom shaped tower.” Any one who is British and has a news anchorman job has at least a Masters in English and a very large vocabulary. Yet he referred to it as mushroom shaped.

What had happened was that the fission had been reversed with in a moment of its detonation. This was accomplished by extraterrestrial engineers, or if you prefer by God in the form of extraterrestrial engineers. They laid down a dampening field and reversed the explosion.

The time line was sniped between the words mushroom and tower. This was done because the rest of the universe didn’t want to wait another x thousand years for us to reinvent the internet.

What this means is that we are “out of the woods.” We are going to build an advanced civilization right here on our beloved Mother Earth. Ya!

There are some other stipulations. In order to qualify to be called advanced, we will pass 80 generations without war. I believe we have yet to pass one.

Another aspect, and it’s the reason the media can so easily sell us disaster flicks, is that we are use to our civilization collapsing. We could say at this point, that we are addicted to falling down. This could give us the idea that building an advanced world is, excuse the expression, “hard.” It’s not. The idea of, not building it, this would be “hard.”

Now the question becomes what will we do to assist this process? Personally, the TV show, <> also the writing and the teaching. The answer for any of us could be as simple as, simply being. If you wish write us back and let us know what you might decide to do.

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